If you are unfortunate enough to find yourself unemployed it can be difficult to know where to start looking for work. This gives you the opportunity to either use the skills you have gained to go into a similar area of work, or utilise other skills you have in order to go for something different. Maybe you haven’t worked before or not for a long time and don’t know where to begin.
At Everyday Training you will find dedicated and passionate staff that are here to help you. We can:
When attending an Everyday Centre you will be able to access the latest vacancies, access to daily newspapers for vacancies,, access to the internet, improve computer skills, use of office equipment.
We have dedicated pages within our website on getting a job that will help all ages, career choices and levels.
It is always important to update your skills, whether you are working or looking or a job. Within Everyday Training we offer subsidised skills training and support within many industry sectors. With a wide variety of training courses available from basic, short entry level training right up to the level 3 diploma, and Apprenticeships, there is a course to suit everyone . We are able to work in a number of skills sectors to include:
Everyday Training will provide a tailored service through flexible programmes that meets the individual needs of our customers and can include the following elements: