Schools & Colleges

  • 68% of young people are worried about their employment prospects.

  • 85% of young unemployed people feel they left school/college ill equipped to find employement.

  • 72% of parents feel schools do not prepare their children for the world of work.

  • 63% of children feel education is focused too much on the academic pathway.

Everyday Training can provide a number of services to schools and colleges in light of the changing structures for all children and young people signalled by Every Child Matters, Youth Matters and the 14—19 Education and Skills Implementation Plan. Buying our services will help schools and colleges to effectively meet the statutory requirement to provide independent, impartial careers advice and guidance for you students from year 8 up to year 13.

The current provision of IAG has let young people down and Everyday Training is looking to change this. “The Learning a Living Report” that was produced by Working Links found the following statistics which back up our beliefs.

Everyday Training will work closely with local authorities, schools and colleges to help improve these figures, and in the long run to raise the achievements, aspirations and attainment levels of students, which in turn will help to increase the progression of students, providing them with motivation and skills for the world of work and helping to increase their ability to choose and achieve positive career, life and learning goals, and so bring about a downward trend in the number of young people that become disengaged post 16.

Everyday Training looks to:

  • Make sure our services meet the new Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) standards.
  • Provide targeted support for young people with complex needs, to include those with behavioural concerns, learning difficulties or disabilities. Tailored to engage and meet the needs of young people who are at risk of being excluded from mainstream education or who are not in education, employment or training.
  • Provide support for the 14-19 curriculum developments related to the provision of careers education and the vital role it has in the development of our young people moving forward.
  • Deliver and enable young people to learn about work and gain practical experience of the skills and attributes they need for employability.