Work With Us

Everyday Training works closely with schools within the West Midlands in order to help improve the employability skills of young people once they complete their education. To do this we need employers that are willing to work alongside in one or all of the following ways.

  • Host a Workplace Visit
  • Offer a Work Experience Placement
  • Volunteer on one of our projects/programmes

Host a Workplace Visit

Hosting a workplace visit involves students from either Primary or Secondary school being given the opportunity to visit your workplace and see first hand how it all works, what is involved for employees that work for your organisation. These visits can include tours, practical activities, taster sessions, presentations and a chance for students to question the employees.

What is in it for you business?

Your employees will be able to develop their skills and experience of working with young people that visit. As a business you can also actively demonstrate that your organisation/business is dedicated to working within your local community. The final benefit is you will be contributing to a future generation of potential employees that will have a better understanding of the world of work, what is expected of them as employees and the skills they will need to develop before they go into the workplace.

How can you get involved?

It is easy to get involved and host a work place visit, Everyday Training will arrange everything for you, including addressing the health and safety issues. We will ensure that every need is met to allow the workplace visit to be a success.

If you are interested please contact us.

Offer a Work Experience Placement

Every year there are hundreds of students that are eager to experience the world of work by taking on a work experience placement within a business or organisation. This experience helps to give the students the practical experience and knowledge they need to better prepare them for the world of work.

What do they gain?

Students that take part in a work experience placement will often experience:

  • Increased motivation regarding their studies, recognising the importance of education to their employment goals.
  • Develop an understanding of the world of work.
  • Can provide them with career direction where previously they were uncertain.
  • Improves their employability skills.
  • Will develop as sense of achievement and satisfaction.
  • Will be provided with the chance to develop new skills from an adult role model.

What can students bring to your organisation/business?

  • Enthusiasm and energy to complete the tasks given, which can often provide motivation to existing staff.
  • Fresh ideas and a new perspective for your business.
  • An in depth viewpoint from the youth market, which can help keep your business/organisation current.
  • Often they will have up to date computer skills.

How does my organisation/business benefit from hosting a Work Experience Placement?

Through hosting of a work experience placement your business/organisation will benefit from the knowledge that you are helping to shape the workforce of tomorrow, as well as putting back into your local community. Your business/organisation can also benefit in the following ways:

  • Increase employee motivation
  • Employee management and supervision skills will improve
  • Raise the profile of your business/organisation with potential customers and the wider community.
  • Access to new recruitment channels and potential future employees.
  • Give your business/organisation new perspectives and ideas.

Is my business/organisation suitable?

In order to offer work experience placements your business/organisation will need to have Employers Liability Insurance in place, and your workplace needs to be a safe environment for the student to be in. You will also need to commit to providing support and supervision to the student during their placement.

How long is the placement?

They will range from a 1 or 2 week placement, to extended placements where students may work within an organisation for one or two days a week over a few weeks or months as part of an accredited vocational training course, i.e. childcare.

What support will your business/organisation receive?

If you do decide that you would like to offer work experience placements to students, Everyday Training will be there to support you every step of the way.

  • We will help to identify appropriate tasks and create simple job descriptions for the students.
  • We will carry out health and safety checks.
  • We will offer you advice and guidance on how best to support the student(s) throughout their placement with you.

If you are interested please contact us.

Volunteer on one of our Projects/Programmes

We are always looking for volunteers that are keen to work with Everyday Training, to help motivate the next generation of employees.

Primary School Projects

We are looking or volunteers that are able to spend 20—30 minutes of their time within primary school classes to speak about their job. We encourage volunteer to bring along props, tools, pictures or a short practical activity that the children can get involved in. An Everyday Training member of staff will always be there to support you in the classroom (alongside the class teacher) and you will be fully briefed over the phone prior to the event.

Secondary Schools

Everyday Training is always looking for volunteers to work within Secondary Schools in order to help teach students about your job, and therefor help student to have realistic goals for their future careers. We need volunteers for our Careers Carousel event, which is a special networking event that gives students the opportunity to meet a variety of employers/businesses/organisations and learn more about the different jobs that are out there for them to consider. We welcome interest from all volunteers, although participation will be determined by the sector the schools are interested in.

We are also looking for volunteers that are able to spend up a couple of hours within a secondary school, talking to students about their business/organisation, and the jobs available. This is a great way for employers to provide students with some much needed advice that may help the students to choose a career path that is suitable to them. During these sessions Everyday Training encourage your to bring along props, tools, pictures or a provide a short practical activity that the children can get involved in. An Everyday Training member of staff will always be there to support you in the classroom (alongside the class teacher) and you will be fully briefed over the phone prior to the event.

We also run a session called Getting the Job—this is a whole day event to help prepare students for the world of work, we look to help students to develop their awareness of the job application process and understand the skills they need to be successful when applying for a job or college/university place. The day will include:

  • Interactive role play sessions
  • Workshops on preparing a CV and filling out an application form
  • Group exercises
  • Mock job interviews

We are looking for volunteers that can help support and advise students from an employers point of view, helping students to develop their skills and knowledge.

Volunteers - what are we looking for?

At Everyday Training it is very important that our volunteers are enthusiastic individuals, with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. We don’t need volunteers to have experience of working with young people, but we do need them to have a commitment to raising students aspirations.

Any volunteers will be expected to take part in a briefing or training session before they go into schools to help prepare them and to give them more details about the role they will have, and their responsibilities. There will also be an explanation on the structure the programme/project will take. These briefings/training sessions can take place at your business/organisations premises.

Everyday Training will also ensure you are provided with any support materials, resources or timetables to ensure your help is fully utilised and everything runs smoothly.

If you are interested in working with us, please don’t hesitate to contact us.